The Ultimate List of Negative Calorie Food

The term "negative calories" is often misunderstood - simply, each food has a certain calorific value, no matter how low it is. That is why these are called negative calories - the fact that the calorific value of such food is so small that our body consumes more energy digesting it, before you enter the consuming.

The idea of losing weight by eating food has always been a dream come true for everyone interested in slimming down, especially with swimsuit season just around the corner. Even though it sounds too good to be true, research shows that the intake of certain foods gives the body less calories than it needs to digest the same foods, yet keeping us satiated and full of energy.

The so-called ‘negative-calorie food’ has inspired many myths in the weight loss battle. However, some foods are starting to live up to this claim.

If you care to test this myth yourself, help yourself to some of the goods from our ultimate list of negative-calorie food below.


Celery of medium size has only six calories and our body spends about 50 calories for its absorption. Celery is rich in fiber and an excellent source of vitamin C, an antioxidant coumarin and vitamin B complex.


There are only four calories per cup. This soft lettuce has very little of things you don’t want, including calories, fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol. But on the other hand, it is full of fiber, vitamins A, C and K, and other nutrients, including potassium. Bonus: Arugula can even boost your love life – it has been proved that the minerals and antioxidants packed in dark green leafy vegetables have a great positive impact on your sexual health because they help block the absorption of toxins that damage the libido in your body.


Besides the fact that most of us at their tender age didn’t particularly like the broccoli, this veggie, in addition to fibers, vitamins and minerals, also contains powerful antioxidants that can improve the chances of surviving the breast cancer and can reduce the risk of colon cancer. The broccoli has 31 calories per cup. With its minimal amount of calories, the broccoli is a rising star on the top list of super-foods, obviously for a good reason.


The radish has an extremely low calorific value. In 100 radishes there are only 15 kcal and even 25 mg of vitamin C and B vitamins and A. It is interesting that in the same amount of radishes there is 2 mg of iron and other minerals.


One tomato of medium size contains about 22 calories, while the body for its intake consumes about 60 calories. This veggie is more than 90 percent water. It has small amounts of carbohydrate, protein and fat, and it is rich in vitamin C, B, E and K, carotenoids and lycopene.


It contains only about 10 calories per cord, and it is best to consume asparagus steamed. For asparagus’ decomposition the body spends four times more calories than the veggie contains. The asparagus is rich in vitamin C, B6, A, riboflavin, fiber and magnesium.


Approximately 100 g of mushrooms contain 18 calories, and the body spends about 55 calories to digest them. Of all fungi, mushrooms are the richest in protein and are an excellent source of riboflavin, selenium and inulin.


There are only 20 calories in 100 grams of cabbage, so it takes three times more calories for the body to degrade it. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, beta carotene and vitamin A and minerals.


Approximately 100 g of fresh carrots contain 41 calories, and the body spends about 60 calories to burn them. It is an excellent source of vitamin A and carotenoids, as well as dietary fiber, vitamin C and potassium.


A cup of sliced watermelon contains about 80 calories, and although it is rich in natural sugar, the body still spends about 90 calories to digest it.


A bowl of lettuce contains about 8 calories. It is largely composed of water, so the body needs three times more energy that is calories to decompose it. It is rich in iron, magnesium and vitamins.


A medium-sized guava has 45 calories. It is also rich in vitamin C.


The number of calories is only 28 per one slice. The pineapple does help with the digestion process effectively.

Brussels sprouts

With 38 calories per cup, this vegetable contains fiber and phytonutrients that help defend your body against cancer.


This veggie has only four calories per glass and also helps your body to build a great immune system against diseases.


We are topping our list off with (believe it or not) the coffee. Black coffee is one of the least-calorie drinks and a great ally when you want to lose weight. There was also evidence that coffee contributes to lower risk of liver disease, colon cancer, type 2 diabetes and Parkinson’s disease, and, overall, to longevity.

Before you get on with your little experiment, here are some tips to keep in mind:The term ‘negative- calorie food’ is often misunderstood because each food has a certain calorific value, no matter how low it is. But the reason for which it is called negative-calorie food is the fact that it burns more fat and calories than it contributes!