What is Breast Pain?
Also known in medical term as Mastalgia, it is an extremely common problem for women, especially during menstruation. It is reported to be common among 50 – 70% of women.
Symptom of Breast Pain
There are some distinct signs of breast pain such as swelling, tenderness, soreness, heaviness as well as stabbing pain in both sides of the breast. The level of pain might vary from mild to severe which can happen constantly or just occur occasionally. There are 2 types of patterns for breast pain which are:
- Cyclical: The intensity of pain will alter during menstruation.
- Non-Cyclical: The intensity of pain remains steady throughout menstruation. However, this type is infrequent.
What causes Breast Pain?
The breast pain can be triggered due to the changes of hormone during menstruation. In the case of non-cyclical breast pain, it is often related with other problems of the breast such as trauma, cysts, surgeries as well as other factors.
Also such factors as fatty acids imbalance within breast cells, some particular medications, breastfeeding, large breasts as well as poor-fitted bras can also cause breast pain.
In case, your breast pain lasts for a long period of time and usually happen at a specific area of the breast, you need to seek professional medical attention immediately.
For breast pain related to menstruation, there are some natural tips which can help you get through soundly.
Here are the top 15 most effective home remedies for breast pain which are easy for you to apply in order to get rid of the pain and discomforts from breast pain during menstrual cycle.
1. Ice Pack
The easiest and most efficient tip from the list of home remedies for breast pain is none other than ice pack. It can bring the instant relief from pain as it is able to make the tender area numb while alleviate pain and swelling.
How to do:
- Take some ice cubes into a plastic bag then have it wrap in a washcloth.
- Apply directly the ice pack onto the breasts for 10 minutes.
- Perform for several times per day until there are positive changes.
- Also you might apply warm compress or switch between cold and warm compress in order to alleviate tenderness and swelling better.
Note: Avoid apply directly ice on your skin.
Besides breast pain, PMS can also bring you some back ache as well. However, ice pack can soothe both problems instantly and effectively.
2. Self-Massage
This method has proven to be extremely effective and you should definitely apply this tip from the list of home remedies for breast pain. It is able to enhance circulation of blood which will help maintain the healthiness of breath tissues and avoid tenderness and pain for breasts as it encourages more nutrients toward breasts.
How to do:
- During the shower, apply some soap on breasts and have them massaged for couples of minute with motion from center outward. In case you are breastfeeding, avoid applying soap onto nipples.
- Another way is taking some camphor oil with 2 tablespoons of warm olive oil and mix together. Use the warm mixed oil to massage for 1 to 2 times per day.
- Also you can use wheat germ oil together with apricot oil for massaging the tender breasts.
Have your breasts massaged regularly will help you avoid pain while improve the healthiness of breasts.
3. Evening Primrose Oil
Considered the best tip from the list of home remedies for breast pain, it contains the GLA which is gamoleic acid or a fatty acid that can improve the body’s response to changes of hormone. Thus it can be able to soothe the pain and tenderness.
How to use:
- Take some evening primrose oil and apply directly onto your breasts and have them massaged for couples of minute.
- Another way is taking 240 – 500 mg of evening primrose oil supplement in extract form for 3 months after consulting the doctor.
Note: In case you are having epilepsy or trying to conceive, avoid applying this tip.
If you want to know more about the effectiveness of evening primrose oil in treating PMS symptoms.
4. Chasteberry
Not only cyclical mastalgia but also PMS symptoms can be treated with this ingredient. It is effective with pituitary gland as it can regulate the prolactin release which is the cause for PMS as well as painful and tender breasts. Therefore, it is no doubt that this ingredient is included in the list of home remedies for breast pain.
How to use:
- The recommended dosage for the extract of dried chasteberry is 20 mg and you can take 1 – 3 times per day.
- Also you can take the liquid extract of chasteberry by putting about 40 drops of its liquid into some water and consume early morning.
- Perform those methods for about 3 months. However, you need to consult the doctor before using the supplement.
Not only treating problems during menstrual cycle, chasteberry can even take care of problems related to menopause.
5. Castor Oil
The rinoleoc acid which contains anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties is the reason why castor oil appears in the list of home remedies for breast pain. It is able to stimulate circulation which encourage nutrients toward cells as well as detoxify inflammatory factors and waste products in your body.
How to use:
- Take a tablespoon of castor oil and 2 tablespoons of other oils which are lighter like olive oil.
- Have your massaged with that oil.
- Perform every day for 1 week before your period starts.
6. Dandelion
This herb is incredibly effective against pain and tenderness of breasts. Considered a diuretic with potassium richness, it is able to get rid of excessive fluids in the body and help you avoid water retention. Thus pain will be alleviated greatly. That is why this herb is on the rise in the list of home remedies for breast pain.
How to use:
- Take a teaspoon of dried root into some boiling water and simmer for about 15 minutes. Then have it strained and put in some honey. Consume 3 cups per day.
- Also you can take dandelion in supplementary form after consulting the doctor.
Perform those methods for couples of day prior to the beginning of your menstruation in order to avoid breast pain.
7. Fennel
Another useful seed from the list of home remedies for breast pain is fennel seeds. Together with the capability in alleviating tenderness and pain of breasts due to PMS, it can even restore balance of female hormones and help you avoid water retention. Moreover, it is able to prevent the accumulation of toxins inside your body.
How to use:
- Take a teaspoon of fennel seeds into some hot water and steep for about 10 minutes. Then have it strained and consume for several times every day.
- Also you can take some roasted fennel seeds for chewing couples of time every day to avoid PMS symptoms such as breast pain.
8. Apple Cider Vinegar
It would be incomplete without the mighty apple cider vinegar in the list of home remedies for breast pain. It possesses powerful capability in detoxifying toxins in your body, get rid of water retention and control hormones. Thus tenderness and pain of breast can be decreased efficiently.
How to use:
- Take 1 to 2 teaspoons of unfiltered raw vinegar into some warm water.
- Put in some honey and stir up well.
- Consume twice every day.
Apple cider vinegar is seen as a precious ingredient since it is used not only in culinary but also to treat various health and beauty problems.
9. Vitamin E
This nutrient is significantly essential for the treatment of breast pain. It will enable you to control the changes of hormone in your body, thus alleviate pain of breasts as well as other PMS symptoms.
How to use:
- Take a dose of 200 – 400 IUs of vitamin E every day in order to avoid tenderness and pain of breasts while having menstruation. However, you need to consult the doctor for appropriate dosage.
- Consume more foods which are rich in vitamin E like olive oil, spinach, almonds, avocados, mustard greens, beet greens, sunflower seeds.
- Also you can use vitamin E oil for massage of your breasts couples of time per day.
10. Magnesium
Another important element from the list of home remedies for breast pain is magnesium. It is required for the treatment of tenderness and pain of breasts when having menstruation. It is capable of getting rid of fluid retention, which can help you alleviate swelling and pain at breasts effectively.
How to use:
- Consume more foods which are rich of magnesium such as seeds and nuts, leafy greens, avocados, soybeans, bananas as well as dark chocolate.
- Also you can take magnesium in supplementary form for 2 weeks prior to your menstrual cycle in order to avoid breast pain and other PMS symptoms. However, you still need to consult the doctor.
11. Lavender Oil
Breast pain can be triggered by stress. Therefore, the aroma of lavender oil can be the best choice from the list of home remedies for breast pain for your problem. Lavender oil can remarkably alleviate mental stress due to its powerful calming effect. You just need to breathe in some aroma of the original lavender oil in order to soothe your pain in breasts.
12. Soybean
Breast pain can occur due to high estrogen levels. It is the reason for majority of cyclical breast pain. In this case, soybean is the top ingredient you can rely in the list of home remedies for breast pain as it contains phytoestrogens that can stop excessive estrogen secretion. Thus the pain in breast can be alleviated greatly.
13. Cabbage
You might overlook cabbage from the list of home remedies for breast pain but in fact, it can be quite effective at soothing pain and swelling of breasts. Containing various useful compounds which are excellent at dilating and stimulating capillaries as well as blood vessels at breasts, cabbage can then enhance circulation of blood remarkably and reduce the congestion of the tissues. As the result, your body will reabsorb the fluid which could have cause tenderness and swelling for your breasts.
14. Flaxseed
Another decent choice from the list of home remedies for breast pain that you might consider applying is flaxseed. You can take a teaspoon of flaxseed into some water and consume. Also you can have flaxseed mixed yogurt and ice creams as well as fruit juice. It is recommended to consume a teaspoon of flaxseed every day.
15. Reduce Fat
The last tip from the list of home remedies for breast pain is the advice for reducing fat. It is important to cut down on fat as much as 30% in your diet in order to avoid tenderness and pain for breasts. You will need to keep out of foods which contain hydrogenated oils like snacks or margarine as well as packaged-baked foods.
In order to avoid tenderness and pain for breasts, it is required for the body to transform fatty acids into gamma linolenic acids; however, the hydrogenated oils will interfere with that process. Therefore, it is recommended that you keep out of hydrogenated oils as well as meats or poultry which are cooked using hydrogenated oils.
Extra Tips:
- Put on some well-fitted bras rather than push-up or underwire bras.
- Put on sports bra during when doing exercises, especially for sensitive breasts.
- Perform yoga and meditation to decrease and control stress, thus manage breast pain.
- Restrain the intake of caffeine as it will trigger tenderness and soreness for breasts.
- Consume more fiber in order to get rid of excessive estrogen. Fiber can be obtained from broccoli, sprouts, kale, cabbage, legumes as well as whole grains.
- Consume more water during the day in order to clear toxins in your body.
- Create a habit of having your breasts examined once every couples of month. In case you notice any strange signs in shape and size of breasts, consult the doctor immediately.